Director of the Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum. Medievalist historian, professor at the University of Warsaw. In the years 1993–2001 the secretary general of the Polish UNESCO Committee. Since 2000, he has been a professor at the University of Warsaw. Advisor to the President of the Capital City Lech Kaczyński and head of the team for estimating the losses of Warsaw and its inhabitants during the German occupation of 1939–1945. In the years 2008-2012 he lectured at the University of Paris (Sorbonne) as a guest professor. In 2013, he received a professorship from the President of the Republic of Poland. He is the chairman of the Standing Committee of Polish Medievalists for many years and, since 1994, the editor-in-chief of the international scientific yearbook "Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae". In 2015-2017 he was the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of National Defense. Decorated with the Golden Cross of Merit, Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Latvian Officer's Cross of the Cross of Recognition.
LECTURE 1: DSc Assistant Professor Dariusz Sochacki
From December 2015, assistant professor at the Independent Department of Ornamental Plants at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. A specialist in the field of ornamental bulbs, tubers and rhizomes (reproduction, including in vitro cultures, virological diagnostics, cultivation and forcing) and plant genetic resources. A graduate of the Faculty of Horticulture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. From 1992 to November 2015, a researcher at the Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture, then at the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice. He obtained a doctorate in agricultural sciences in the field of horticulture at the Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture in Skierniewice in 2002, habilitation in the field of agricultural sciences in the discipline of agriculture and gardening at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw. Horticulture. In the years 2008-2015 he was a lecturer in the field of gardening at the State Higher Vocational School in Skierniewice. Author of several dozen scientific publications and conference reports, over 150 popular science articles, two popular books published by the Działkowiec publishing house ("Bulb plants in the garden", 2006 and "Dahlias", 2010), co-author of three original varieties of ornamental plants (narcissists 'Heweliusz' and 'Passat' and tulip 'Agalia').
LECTURE 2: PhD Eng of Landscape Architecture Renata Stachańczyk
Landscape architect, specializing in the issues of protection and restoration of historic parks and gardens, chief specialist at the National Heritage Institute, where she heads the Landscape and Historic Greenery Team. Since 1992, she has been involved in the revalorization project of the Polish part of the Muskauer Park, since 2006 she has been the coordinator of this project, and is currently its manager. She is responsible for the overall conservation issues of this building. Author and co-author of expert opinions, documentation, studies and projects for the restoration of historic gardens, as well as studies on the standardization of conservation activities in relation to historic greenery. She is an expert of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of historic parks, gardens and cemeteries.
LECTURE 3: PhD Eng of Architecture Professor AGATA ZACHARIASZ
Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology and professor at this university. Author and co-author of over 180 publications, incl. by herself, books Zielony Kraków "for the pleasure and benefit of the Honorable Audience" (2019). The main directions of her scientific activity focus on the following issues: history of garden art, landscape architecture, conservation and restoration of historic gardens and parks as well as landscaping, urban greenery systems, design standards, spatial planning, as well as education of landscape architects. She is the author and co-author of over 150 unpublished works, which are: conceptual and detailed designs, studies (including historical, landscape, scenic studies, conservation guidelines) as well as expert opinions and opinions.
Art Historian, lecturer, specialist in the history of garden art and restoration of historic gardens and cultural landscape, member of the Council for the Protection of Monuments at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Secretary General of PKN ICOMOS, member of the International Committee ICOMOS-IFLA ISCCL, former vice president of the Committee for Europe, expert inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List on behalf of ICOMOS, Chief Specialist for Historical Gardens at the Royal Łazienki Museum. She publishes on the history, protection and restoration of historic gardens, participates in specialized national and international conferences.
Coordinator of Boboli Gardens – Uffizi Galleries, Firenze, Head of Garden Department and curator of the bothanical heritage of Uffizi Galleries. Graduated in Forestry and Environmental Sciences - University of Florence and PhD in Environmental projectation – Faculty of Architecture University of Florence. Master in Environmental Security Sciences – University of Rome. As Head of the Garden Department since 2017 she works in the management of Boboli Gardens, in terms of restoration projects, accessibility, promotion, scientific research, development of cultural activities and partnerships. Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Network of Historic Gardens. Previously she has been an Officer of National Forestry Corps, worked as a manager in the wine sector and collaborated in projects of restoration of ancient rural landscape.
LECTURE 5: Msc Eng of Landscape Architecture Jacek Kuśmierski
Historic greenery conservator, garden art historian, museologist. He graduated in landscape architecture at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław and Postgraduate Studies in Museums at the University of Warsaw. Currently, he works at the Museum of King Jan III's Palace in Wilanów as a specialist for historical gardens. Member of the Polish National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-Poland) and the Landscape Architecture Association. Since 2020, he has been an independent collaborator of the European Trail of Historical Gardens. Author of studies and design studies, historical queries, scientific articles and educational materials on historical gardens.
LECTURE 6: PhD Halina Galera
A botanist, academic teacher and popularizer of science with various professional interests (biogeography, population ecology, biological invasions and the history of gardening, ethnobotany and plant symbolism). Winner of several awards for teaching activities as part of the Open University of Warsaw University and the Medal of Prof. Bolesław Hryniewiecki, awarded by the Polish Botanical Society in recognition of efforts to disseminate botanical knowledge. Her popularizing achievements include, among others numerous lectures given at the invitation of scientific and cultural institutions, radio and television appearances, as well as four individual drawing and painting exhibitions.
LECTURE 7: PhD Eng of Landscape Architecture ANNA MAJDECKA-STRZEŻEK
Member of PKN ICOMOS, a graduate of landscape architecture studies at the Faculty of Horticulture - OAK SGGW, has practice in landscape architecture design in Schwabach / Germany / and arranging gardens and parks in Nuremberg. She worked as an intern, then an assistant professor in the Department of Landscape Design and Care, Department of Architecture and assistant in the Department of Landscape Design and Care SGGW. She graduated with honors from the Postgraduate Studies in the Protection and Conservation of Historic Garden Designs. Until 2014, she ran a private design practice in the field of protection and conservation of garden monuments and cultural landscape. She cooperated with the Postgraduate Studies in the Conservation of Architectural and Urban Planning Monuments of the Silesian University of Technology and the Postgraduate Studies in the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Warsaw University of Technology. In the years 1997–2009 Head of the Postgraduate Studies in the Protection and Conservation of Historic Garden Establishments SGGW, 2000–2005 head of the Design Studio at the Department of Landscape Architecture. She collaborated with Arkady and PWN publishing houses on publications on the history of gardens (including the Garden History consultant P. Hobhouse, Arkady 2005, co-author of the History of Gardens L. Majdecki, PWN 2007-2008). Consultant of the National Center for Research and Documentation of Monuments in Warsaw at the Design Studio (2006), 2006 - 2012 member of the Main Conservation Commission of the Republic of Poland - two terms of office. Currently she conducts professional practice in the field of protection and restoration of garden monuments.
LECTURE 8: PhD Eng of Landscape Architecture WOJCIECH BOBEK
A graduate of the Krakow University of Technology in the field of landscape architecture. He participated in international design workshops in Florence and Kremnica. Since 2006, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Garden Art and Green Areas. In 2007, he also worked at the Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments in Krakow. The conducted research made it possible to prepare and defend (2013) a dissertation on the assessment and determination of risk zones caused by trees in the city. As part of his scientific passion, since 2004 he has participated in international seminars on tree statics. It belongs to various industry organizations: since 2009 the International Working Group on Tree Statics (SIM-GROUP) based in Switzerland, since 2011 the Association of Polish Landscape Architects, and since 2014, the Polish Arboriculture Council. Since 2013, he has been certified by the European Tree Technican Council - European Tree Technican No. 004489. Since 2010, he has been an examiner during certification for the European Tree Worker degree in accordance with EAC standards. This resulted in the appointment of EAC Supervisor in November 2016. He specializes in the measurement, research and assessment of the condition of trees. He uses a variety of methods, from visual assessment through the SIA estimated method, acoustic tomograph tests to measurements with the SIM pull test - elasto - inclino. Performs dendrological inventories, stratigraphies and tree management projects using the latest virtual reality technologies. Performs and consults greenery projects, advises on the selection of greenery and how to deal with trees.
Grower of new varieties of roses. Garden designer. Member of the American Society of Rose Breeders, Member of the Breeders Club at the World Federation of Rose Societies. Founder and first president of the Polish Rose Society. Passionate and expert on the subject.
Assistant Director at Volčji Potok Arboretum, Slovenia. After finishing study of forest management and ecology at University of Ljubljana, he specialised in ornamental woody plants, among them in roses. He is head of rose gardens at the Volčji Potok Arboretum. He is professionallyinvolved in projects of maintenance and restoration of historical parks and gardens in Slovenia.He is secretary of Slovenian Rose Society and a member of Conservation and Heritage Committee of World Federation of Rose Societies. He is a lecturer on higher vocational schoolsand author of books, articles,screenplays etc. His field of interest is interpretation of natural science, gardening and cultural history of plants to general public.
LECTURE 10: PhD Eng of Landscape Architecture DOROTA SIKORA
Appraiser of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the care of monuments in the field of parks, gardens and cemeteries. Member of the Association of Monument Conservators. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Since December 1991, an employee of the Historic Landscape Protection Center, currently transformed into the National Heritage Institute. The author of many projects for the restoration of gardens and historic parks as well as studies in this field. Consultant at the request of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of conservation work in many gardens from the UNESCO World Heritage List. Author of many opinions on historic parks and cultural landscape. Co-organizer on behalf of the National Heritage Board of Poland and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences a series of conferences devoted to the protection, conservation and social promotion of historic parks, gardens and cultural landscapes. Since November 2010, an employee of the Department of Landscape Art at the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture (as an assistant professor). Laureate of the Award of the General Conservator of Monuments and the Association of Monument Conservators in the competition for the best study and popularization works on the protection of monuments and museology for the work "Branicki Garden in Białystok. Revalorization project "(2000).
Architect and historian. Expert in the field of historical and contemporary gardens, professor of restoration at the Polytechnic University of Turin, vice president of SIRA (Italian Society for the Restoration of Architecture), deputy director of the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Modern Science and Technology, Xi 'an Jaotong University. She graduated in architecture in 1975 at the University of Florence, where under the tutelage of Eugenio Battisti, and then Marco Dezzi Bardeschi and Marcello Fagiolo, she wrote an experimental work on the language of Art Nouveau. She conducts didactic activity at the University of Florence, cooperating with the Department of the History of Architecture III, prof. Marcello Bean. In 1992-1998, she was the director and then president of the Center for Historical and Contemporary Gardens in Pietrasanta founded by Alessandro Tagliolini, where she curates and promotes various conferences, exhibitions and publications on the subject. In 1996-1998 she founded and headed the Liberty Study Center on Eclectic Culture in Viareggio. Since 1998, she has been associate professor for restaurants at the Polytechnic University of Turin. In 2000-2003 she was the first president of the Opera delle Mura di Lucca, where she conducts activities related to the management and improvement of the fortification system. She is the scientific director of the historic Villa Garzoni Garden in Collodi. She was the first foreigner to study the archives of Tirana's architecture, published projects on Italian interventions in Albania, organized exhibitions and conferences, opening a series of studies on the preservation of 20th-century Albanian heritage. In the years 2003-2006 she was a member of the National Committee for Historic Parks and Gardens. She qualifies for the 1st degree competition (IUAV, 2005), since 2006 she has been a full professor at the Polytechnic University of Turin, where she conducts classes in the Architectural Restaurant and the Historic Parks and Gardens Restoration. Since 2010, she has been an honorary foreign professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University; visiting professor at Jaotong, XI'An and 2011-13 at the University of Tientsin. Since 2016, she has been a deputy director of the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Science and Technology of the Xi'an Jaotong University. Since 2016, she is a Professor of Renovation, Máster Oficial en Patrimonio histórico y culture at the University of Huelva (Spain). Curator of exhibitions and conferences in Italy and abroad, she has published around 300 publications, including monographs, essays, articles; she is the curator of the exhibition and catalog: "Viareggio, a city born of the sea, 200 years of history", which inaugurated in Viareggio on August 29, 2020.
Organizer of cultural activities and librarian at the National Carlo Collodi Foundation. Ph.D. in Comparatives Studies: Literature Theatre Cinema at the University of Siena, Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures: Italian at the University of Michigan. Since 2018 he has contributed to the relationship between the Collodi Foundation, which manages the Historic Garzoni Garden, and the European Route of Historic Gardens.
LECTURE 12: Msc Eng of Landscape Architecture ŁUKASZ PRZYBYLAK
Landscape architect, garden art historian, specialist in the conservation and restoration of historical gardens. Head of the garden department at the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów. Vice-president of the European Route of Historic Gardens. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2011), he devoted both diplomas to research and conservation recommendations for garden assumptions in the historical area of Silesia. His master's degree was awarded the PKN ICOMOS distinction (2011). As a doctoral student at the Technische Universität Dresden (Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur, Professur für Geschichte der Landschaftsarchitektur und Gartendenkmalpflege), he studies the specificity of the period of work of Saxon builders and gardeners on Skarpa Warszawska. As a gardener, he cooperated with Bandenburgische Schlöβer GmbH (2011-2012) on the implementation phase of the revalorisation of the Altdöbern palace and park complex (Germany). In 2013-2014 he worked for VOGT Landschaften– Berlin, incl. on the concept and construction documentation for the city park Lohsepark Hafencity in Hamburg, opened in 2016. Since 2015, he has been the manager of the garden department of the Museum of King Jan III's Palace in Wilanów, also being the author of the implemented concepts for the revalorization of the Wilanów garden. Author of several dozen restoration documentation for historical gardens in Poland (Hortus Excelsior studio), incl. Domanice (Dolnośląskie Voivodeship), Sarny (Dolnośląskie Voivodeship), Kamieniec Kłodzki (Dolnośląskie Voivodeship), Komierowo (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship), Podsędkowice (Łódzkie Voivodeship). Initiator of social campaigns and thematic walks promoting and saving the Lower Silesian oases of Kłodzko palace and garden heritage. Content coordinator of international park seminars in Morawa (Dolnośląskie Voivodeship) and Sztynort (Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship). Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Gartenkunstund Landschaftskulture.V.
Landscape architect, inspector of green areas supervision, specialist in the field of protection and conservation of historic garden layouts, monument studies and conservation of historical architecture as well as public procurement law. A graduate of the Agricultural University in Wrocław, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Member of the Polish National Committee of ICOMOS (Commission on Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes) and the Scientific Committee of the European Route of Historic Gardens (Girona). Member of the Landscape Architecture Association, the Association of Monument Conservators, the Polish Dendrology Society and the Association of Garden Engineers and Technicians. Since 2016, a supervisor of the Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw and deputy head of the Team for the Restoration of the Lower Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Since 2020, Plenipotentiary of the Director of the Royal Castle in Warsaw for Landscape Architecture and Gardens. She collaborates with the European Garden Heritage Network and the European Boxwood and Topiary Society. She takes part in specialist Polish and foreign industry conferences. She creates dendrological expertises, programs of conservation works, cooperates with conservators of monuments in the field of historic greenery, spa and historical parks, and implements garden and park designs. She has also been a manager of project entitled "Comprehensive development of the Northern Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw".
Historian (MA), a graduate of the Faculty of History, Warsaw University and Foreign Policy Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. Member of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association in 2005-2012. Member of the Polish Heraldry Society since 2010. Member of the Polish National Committee of ICOMOS since 2020 (Commission on Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes). Author of popular and scientific publications, particularly interested in political history of the 20th century, political symbolism, ceremonials and diplomatic protocol. Since 2005, he has worked for the Royal Castle in Warsaw (Protocol & Events Department). Organizer of the most significant Castle's ceremonies with the participation of heads of state and government as well as the diplomatic corps. In his professional activities, he combines the practice of organizing contemporary official celebrations with studying the state traditions of the Castle of the interwar period. He devotes his talks and lectures to this topic. Since 2019, a member of the team responsible for preparing the permanent exhibition of the Royal Castle in Warsaw entitled "Rooms of the Presidents of the Second Republic of Poland". He cooperates also with the European Route of Historic Gardens.
He has been working at the Royal Castle in Warsaw for more than 20 years. He gained his professional experience in the Educational, Events & Protocol and Marketing Departments. Marketing Manager in 2018-2020. Head of Protocol and Events Department since 2021. Organizer of numerous, prestigious cultural projects, concerts, festivals, conferences, gala ceremonies, state and international celebrations. Coordinator of the Castle for visits of Presidents of the United States of America: Mr Barack Obama and Mr Donald Trump. He led the main opening ceremony of the Lower Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw in May 2019.